Potential-Employer Background Check Company viability, pending litigation, and turn-over rate are just a few of factors that may impact your decision to accept a job offer. Know the background of the company and corporate officers before you make that move.
Salary-Estimates How much can you expect to be paid for that job? Knowing prior salaries or regional averages can help you negotiate the best salary.
Fidelity Investigations Suspicion can destroy an otherwise healthy relationship. Be confident in your partner.
Renter/Landlord Concerns Background checks before you sign the lease can prevent you from entering into a nightmare.
Self-Check Know what might be discovered if someone were to do a background check on you. Find problems ahead of time and be prepared for any hard questions.
Pre-Marital Background Checks A marriage is partnership and the wrong choices can have long-term consequences. Assess the risks ahead of time so that surprises don't devastate your relationship.
Parental Concerns Children can quickly derail their future when not properly supervised. Electronic and physical monitoring techniques can keep you "in the know" and keep your child out of danger.
Service Rates
Investigations are billed at $79/man hour. Background investigations begin at $158. Fidelity verifications begin at $474. Surveillance assignments begin at $1580. Electronic monitoring equipment leases begin at $158/wk.